Teaching All Students

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Competency #7 Image

I wanted to find an image that told of the need for access in libraries for individuals with disabilites. After completing the ACS and Lexis tutorials I set about looking for in ACS and found it immediately. It had coincidently was included in an article that I had looked at for the previous competency. The search words that I used where "library" and "disabled" and "technology." Copyright Information: http://support.ebsco.com/help/?int=ehost&lang=en&feature_id=Perm

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Competency 6-Citation Pearl Strategy using WorldCat

I started off by truncating the words accessibility, disability and library. See below

This yielded me 5,393 results of which I picked the following article "Serving the disabled : a how-to-do-it manual for librarians" By Kieth C Wright; Judith F Davie
from this article I "grew the pearl". First I clicked on the article looking at the detailed record, then I looked at the descriptors for the article. The descriptors can be seen below.

I opted to click on the first descriptor "Libraries and people with disabilites-Handbook, Manuals etc." By doing this the records where narrowed down to 36 with 34 in English.

I then clicked on the "Searching" tab and deleted the phrases "Handbooks, manuals, etc." I then inserted the words "libraries" and "disabled" and hit search.

This narrowed my search down to 23 articles or pearls that are very usefull.

Competency 6: Successive Fractions Strategy using Academic Search Complete.

Based on the hits by results I obtained from Project Muse; I decided to carry the successive fractions in the following order
•s1) libraries
•s3 )disabled

Searching with the term "libraries or library" resulted in 448,997 hits.

Searching with the first and second facet (libraries or library) and (accessibility or access) resulted in 10, 134.

When I saw that the number of hits was very large I decided to add the last facet. So my search went like this (libraries or library) and (accessibility or access) and (disabled or handicap) which resulted in 62 hits.

Of these 62 hits; I found the following article “Accessibility in K-12 Education” useful for the purpose of my blog.

Competency 6: Specific Facet First Strategy in Project Muse database

Facet: accessibility or access Results: 34,535 (too many search results not relevant to my search topic EX. accessibility of birth control medicines in India)

Facet: library or libraries Results: 63, 419 (described all types of library history to records of book mobiles in U.S, not what I was looking for)

Facet: disabled or handicap Results: 3,591 (Interesting but not useful)

Since searching for a specific facet by itself did not yield me any results that I could immediately pick out; I had to resort to using the building block strategy to get a useful result. I then attempted the following search " (accessiblity or access)and (libraries or library) and (disabled and handicap)" this narrowed down the results to 34. See image above.

Looking over the hits I found a very interesting article by Todd Lekan titled _Disabilities and Educational Opportunity: A Deweyan Approach that speaks about students with disabilities and the classroom. This article could serve as a great starting point for an issues paper.

Competency 6: Building Block Strategy using ERIC Database

My question “How do people with disabilities access technology in libraries? “
S1= disabled or handicap
S2= accessibility or access
S3= libraries or library

1st Attempt (disabled or handicap) and (accessibility or access) and (libraries and library)
I did limit the search to full text articles; the first search listed 145 results a majority of which would prove useful to me. The article titled caught my eye.”Everyone's Invited: Ways to Make Your Library More Welcoming to Children with Special Needs” by Wojahn, Rebecca Hogue. This article fits nicely into the topic of my blog. See screenshot above.